The SC Internacional logo symbolizes the club's history and achievements. Initially, the logo included the initials SCI in red on a white backdrop. The logo developed throughout time, with the colors flipped in the 1950s to white initials on a red backdrop.
SC Internacional, often known as Internacional or Inter de Porto Alegre, is a Brazilian professional football team headquartered in Porto Alegre. Founded in 1909, the club's emblem is a circular form with a red backdrop and interweaving initials. The official colors of SC International are red and white, which represent passion and solidarity.
The SC Internacional Logo serves as the visual backbone of the brand’s identity, reflecting the brand’s core values, mission, and ambition in a single, bold symbol. The design components, such as lines and composition, convey trust, dependability, and progressive qualities, and the color palette represents key brand attributes such as sustainability, growth, and authenticity.